Unique Item ID -- Composed Item ID

Item identification used throughout the import and export to and from files and translation sources.


A unique item ID is a composition of:



Item ID/Name of the single resource item



ID/Name of the main/parent resource
(a group, e.g. Dialog box, .NET Form or Menu resource)



File name of the resource file
(with file extension, no path)





First 20 characters of the item/caption text

Added when the item ID (1) exists more then once within the parent group

or when the item does not has an ID.   *4)


The composed ID is created for a resource item of a resource file. The use is to identify an item uniquely to enable to reassign the translation from a translation source to the item in the translation project.


To find and get a translation the composed ID can be used in it's full composition of

  (1) Item ID + (2) Main Resource ID + (3) File Name.

 or without the file name and/or without the main resource ID.


The ID composition used (to compare two IDs) can be set in a respective options dialog box.


The settings are global settings used in all translation source operations that support ID matching.



*4)    Win32 RC files:  a dialog box resources can include more several controls with the same ID: IDC_STATIC (-1).  To create a unique ID for each of this items, the 20 fist characters of the caption text is added.
Same for e.g. "popup" menu items. "popup" menu items have no ID.